"El Masove" Extra Virgin Olive Oil Copage (5L)

58,75 VAT included

Oil obtained from a careful blending of two different varieties of oil such as Arbequina and Hojiblanca. 5 liter carafe.

SKU: OLIV5L Categories: ,


Oil obtained from a careful blending of two different varieties of oil such as Arbequina and Hojiblanca. The Arbequina variety, the majority percentage in our blend, is an autochthonous variety from the Catalan lands and is characterized by its softness and aroma. The hojiblanca variety is typical of other parts of the peninsular geography and is characterized by its sweetness. With this blending we obtain a truly special oil that combines the characteristics of the two varieties, achieving a very stable oil balanced in flavor and aroma.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg


The Masove

El Masove offers products of the highest quality, highlighting the wines, oils, cavas and spirits from its own harvest, expecting the highest levels of quality and offering a natural and Mediterranean product that will satisfy the most demanding palates.