Solán de Cabras water (3x5L)

8,75 VAT included

Aigua Solán de Cabras is one of the most balanced, stable and healthy waters known. Of weak mineralization. Low in sodium, bicarbonated, with a good percentage of calcium. With a wide range of beneficial properties for health: genitourinary problems, gastric acidity, favors intestinal transit, prevents kidney stones, is recommended for people with high blood pressure.

3 5 liter bottles of Solán de Cabras water 

SKU: BECSC5L Categories: ,


Aigua Solán de Cabras comes from the Valle de Solán de Cabras spring, in the Serrania de Cuenca. It is one of the most balanced, stable and healthy waters known. Of weak mineralization. Low in sodium, bicarbonated, with a good percentage of calcium. With a wide range of beneficial properties for health: genitourinary problems, gastric acidity, favors intestinal transit, prevents kidney stones, is recommended for people with high blood pressure.

They are waters of weak mineralization, determined by the geological characteristics of the terrain and the rocks of the ten from which they come. They emerge at a constant temperature of 21º and with a constant flow rate of 5,410 liters per minute.

Solán de Cabras is classified according to the Spanish food code as Water of weak mineralization, hypothermic and hypotonic Lithic calcium bicarbonate.
Its low level of sodium means that the intestine absorbs it quickly, causing an abundant diuresis beneficial for genitourinary problems, such as urinary infections and kidney stones.
Its calcium content, as it is not excessively high, is recommended for middle-aged and perimenopausal women. and in patients with calcium lithiasis, since calcium should never be restricted.

Such water is only created by nature, coming from a unique spring, in the middle of the mountain range of the basin. It takes more than 3,600 years of filtering to create the balanced composition of a drop of Solán de Cabras. Our iconic packaging protects our water from any light alteration so that its taste and properties remain intact and unchanged.

3 5 liter bottles of Solán de Cabras water 

Ingredients and allergens of Solán de Cabras Water

Bicarbonate 284 mg/l
dry waste 260 mg/l
calcium 59.4 mg/l
magnesium 25.6 mg/l
Sulphate 21.3 mg/l
chloride 7.4 mg/l
silica 7.2 mg/l
sodium 5.1 mg/l
potassium 1.1 mg/l
Flowers 0.2 mg/l
Calcium-magnesium ratio = 2.3

Conservation conditions

Store in a cool, clean and dry place.
Protect from aggressive smells.